Hello From Artland

Hi friends…..sorry for the delay! Between the upcoming move, creating a Christmas collection, redoing my website, PPP, filling orders, and finishing commissioned pieces, I have been truly lost in artland! Some of you remember my art studio when it was featured in Studios magazine a few months ago……….back when I had a highly organized studio!     

One of my favorite zines!


The way it looks right now, my studio would be a “before” shot in one of those make-over stories! Part of the problem is we never settled into this place, and I have been super busy creating art the past two months. One project after another has left little time to organize…and yes I have a huge pile of clean laundry piled on Emma’s bed that needs to be folded!    

Emma has been gone for four weeks now, and her bedroom has become the “catch-all” place for all the things that need to be put away. She comes home from her dad’s this coming Thursday, so I’m trying to get as much done before she returns. I will then be traveling back to Momville and running her to cheer practice everyday before she is off to cheercamp for a week at the end of July. It’s hard to believe she will actually have her driver’s license in less than two months! Seems like I was just pushing her around in a pink stroller….sigh.    

Okay, most of you know what a neatnick I am, and you’re rolling your eyes when I say my art studio is messy……well, I have pics to prove it! I am going to do the before and after thing, only the “before” shots are of my old studio, and the “after” shots are pics I just took 20 minutes ago! I have some fun ideas up my sleeve for the new studio….I will be sure to post shots of the new place once I get it all prettied up. Okay here are some shots from the old studio to refresh your memory~    

Spiffy and clean desk!



Pretties displayed neatly...sigh An organized art table!



Bins and Boxes for everything.


Him I can’t replace….Cody was the best part of my art studio.

I used to buy a nosegay of fresh posies every week.


Okay……now for the “After” shots! Ugh……..    

One word....eeek!


Caution...do not trip over loitering paintings!


So much for bins and boxes!


Working on the floor is not recommended .


  The way I see it…it can only go up from here! Here’s to the new art studio!  

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3 Responses to Hello From Artland

  1. DeDe Goff says:

    Hi Cindy ~ It’s not bad, at least I don’t see CORDS, WIRES and POWERSURGE thingies. Remember when you were helping me to decorate our Apartment long long time ago. I still remember your expression when you saw ALL the Nintendo Game power cords under the TV. It was a whole different “life-time” ago. Good-Luck with your New Art Studio.
    DeDe : )

  2. M~ says:

    All of us who know and adore you know that the “new” and “improved” studio will be nothing short of spectacular! Even with the disorganized studio you’ve continued to create magic!!! I’ve had the honor of seeing your new home and the new space…and I’m so excited for all of you! What a beautiful home!!!….the love it will contain will be over flowing! You continue to inspire and support even when life is a bit topsy turvy! As the old adage goes….”You receive back what you give in life”… and you my dear friend give so much of youself! love you for that…..M!

    • anartsychick says:

      Awww, thanks kind friend. You keep my heart full and my engine going! Your words are magic to my soul~ thanks for always “getting it”. Love you dearly~

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